November 01, 1967, 1969
7th Air Force Newspaper Banner
Vol. 3, No. 43      Headquarters Seventh Air Force     November 01,  1967

AF Rescuemen Save
309 Lives This Year

TAN SON NHUT --- Efforts by Air Force pararescuemen in Southeast Asia this year have already rescued enough airmen - 309 -
to staff five full wings with tactical aircrew members, according to statistics supplied by the 3rd Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Group, headquartered at Tan Son Nhut AB.

Since December 1964, more than 1,000 men have been rescued.  On alert standby status 24 hours a day, men who fly and man the HH-43, and HH-3E helicopters have flown deep into North Vietnam and the entire length of South Vietnam to pick up downed fliers.

"For each rescue aircrew man killed, captured, or missing, we have returned a total of 46," Brig. Gen. Allison F. Brooks, commander of the Air Force Rescue Services, said recently.

Members of Detachment 7, 38th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron at Da Nang AB have accounted for 50 combat saves since January of this year.

With the recent introduction of the new HH-53B Super Jolly Green Giant rescue helicopter, which is presently undergoing flight tests and crew transition training to augment the now famous HH-3E, pararescuemen will continue to carry out their "that others may live," motto to even a greater extent whenever they are needed.

Airlift Crews Set Tonnage Records

TAN SON NHUT --- For the seventh straight month, tactical airlift crews carried payloads through Vietnam's skies that weighed more than 100,000 tons.  Since Jan. 1, 1965, the Air Force crews have airlifted 2,156,278 tons.

During September the crews flew 22,091 hours in their C-7A Caribou, C-123 Provider, and C-130 Hercules aircraft.  They made 31,698 takeoffs and landings to accomplish their assigned tactical airlift missions.

As directed by the 834th Air Division at Tan Son Nhut AB, the crews delivered 65,888 tons of mail, supplies and equipment and 300,144 troops and other passengers to designated destinations throughout the Republic of Vietnam.  The combined weight of the payloads was 101,926 tons.

The 834th AD also directed its crews to fly 506 aeromedical evacuations missions within Vietnam in support of the 903rd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron.  The squadron's medical technicians and nurses cared for 6,032 patients while they were being airlifted to medical treatment facilities and centers within South Vietnam.

The air division's 2nd Aerial Port Group, which is responsible for the operation of 43 aerial port terminals located throughout the Rebuplic of Vietnam worked with 371,566 airlift aircraft in September.  The men, working under the 2nd Aerial Port Group, loaded and unloaded 215,261 tons of mail, supplies and equipment.

A total of 629,067 troops and other passengers processed and boarded or deplaned the aircraft.

One of airlift's non-military users, USAID (United States Agency for International Development), had 1,468 passengers and 1,199 tons of cargo carried by airlift to various destinations in the Rebuplic.

The 15th APS at Da Nang AB, and its 14 operating locations, managed 256,634 troops and other passengers.  This is the hightest number, for the eighth consecutive month, of the three squadron in the group.

The 8th APS at Tan Son Nhut and its 16 operating units continued to lead in the number of aircraft handled (14,006) and in the tons of cargo loaded or unloaded from the aircraft (58,109)


TAN SON NHUT --- The Staff of the Seventh Air Force News congratulates the new sergeants and airmen who have advanced in title under a recent Air Force ruling.

An effort has been made to recognize the new titles in this issue of the 7th AF News, but we may have missed a few.

Please bear with us while we adjust to the change. Editor.

Jolly Greens Take
Albatross's Duties

TAN SON NHUT --- The HU-16B Albatross amphibian was officially retired from combat rescue operations recently after having been credited with recovering 62 survivors from the hostile waters of the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea.

The aim of this program is to instill a greater sense of pride in its crew chiefs by recognizing and rewarding superior accomplishment.

Replacing the Albatross are the HH-3E Jolly Green Giant helicopters of the 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron at Da Nang AB.  Already established at rescue's prime overland retriever, air-to-air refueling with HC-130 Hercules tankers has enabled the turbojet HH-3E's to assume the role of overwater rescuers.

Praising the accomplishments of the retired Albatross, Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service Commander, Brig. Gen. Allison C. Brooks, said that the number of combat saves attributed to the HU-16 is equal to the combined aircrew strength of two fighter squadrons.  Often, these rescues were made despite heavy enemy gunfire and adverse weather conditions.

The men rescued by the Albatross will never forget the drone of its engines nor the beauty and power of an open sea landing.
Now, more modern aircraft have inherited the lifesaving task but the mission - "That Others May Live' - remains unchanged.

Piloting the last aircraft departing Da Nang for Naha (AB), Okinawa, was Lt. Col. Roy E. Jacobsen, 43, of Haddonfield, N.J., commander of the 33rd ARRS.
Other crew members and backup personnel on the flight were Majors James F. Chubner, 36, of Toledo, Ohio; Maurice Golden Jr., 35, of Columbus, Ohio; and 1st Lt. Robert Kramer, 26, of Trenton, N.J, pilots; Capt. Robert W. Field, 33, of Bellingham, Wash.,navigator; Sergeants Kenneth E. Beers, 35, airborne radio operator; and John R. Pike, 28, of Elmira, N.Y., flight engineer.

The aircraft's maintenance personnel, MSgt. Clarence E. Rhodes, 41, of St Cloud, Fla., and A1C Lester L. Hyatt, 20, of Redwood City, Calif., also made the final flight.

TSN Installing New
Comm Center Gear

TAN SON NHUT --- Since the beginning of time, communication has been the vital link in any effective organization.  This point has become increasingly apparent in Vietnam, where efficient and immediate communication sometimes mean the difference between life or death ...  victory or defeat.

At Tan Son Nhut AB, two of the most modern and complex communications facilities are taking shape.

A maze of more that 40,000 feet of multi-colored wire and cable and electronic components are being installed in the new communications center and the telephone exchange facility by men of the 485th Ground Engineering Electronics Installation Agency (GEEIA).

The 1876th Communications Squadron (AFCS), the largest of 10 Air Force communications squadrons in the Republic, will operate and maintain the two facilities.

The center is one of many operated by the 1876th - each with its own vital mission.

The new center will be ussed primarily for transmission of messages via seven teletype transmitters and seven teletype receivers.  Only six will be ussed reguloarly.  The seventh is for use in emergencies.

"The base communications center is presently located in the base command post communications center.  Moving the center to its new location will take a load off the command post center and will streamline the operation," said CWO Norwell R. Harnage, 48, of Winter Garden, Fla., chief of communications electronics programs management for the 1876th

The new center will join the Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN), used for transmitting secure information.

"The number of lines will increase from about 1,300 to 2,500 for Tan Son Nhut," explained Mr. Harnage.  "Each line represents a different telephone number.

"Within a year and a half, it is planned to increase the number of lines servicing the base to 5,000," he said.

The exchange will also have three specially designed tape recorders, used to give current weather information when appropriate numbers are dialed.  The tape recorders will also relay information that a wrong number has been dialed, a feature ussed in most commercial telephone systems.

Communication in Vietnam is playing a vital role in support of Allied war operations.  The 1876th Communication's Sq. is assuring that continuous strides are made in providing the best in communications service.

1876th Tower Controller
Saves Disabled Aircraft

TAN SON NHUT --- The alertness and quick action of a tower controller from the 1876th Communications Squadron at Tan Son Nhut AB is credited with preventing the injury of a Vietnamese pilot and the possible destruction of his aircraft.

TSgt. Wayne A. Egli, 28, of Montpelier, Idaho, recently observed a Vietnamese Air Force A-1E Skyraider coming in for a landing with the wheels not locked into place.  Sergeant Egli reacted quickly.  He took over the control position microphone in the Tan Son Nhut tower and alerted the pilot.

The pilot pushed the throttle forward, pulled the nose of the aircraft up and flew the landing pattern again this time with the wheels secured - and landed safely at Tan Son Nhut.

Sergeant Egli has since been reassigned to the 2055th Communications Squadron, Vandenberg AFB, Calif.  He received a Certificate of Exemplary Service from the Air Force Communications Service.

Credited with saving more than 56 lives and aircraft valued at more that $5 million, 1876th tower controllers have earned plaudits from all the military services in Vietnam.

During the last two years, Tan Son Nhut controllers, working with Vietnamese Directorate of Civil Aviation Controllers, saved 11 aircraft from possible destruction through their alertness and devotion to duty.

Tower controllers are responsible for all aircraft leaving and coming to Tan Son Nhut.  They provide landing and take-off instructions and other vital information via radio communications.

Tan Son Nhut is one of the busiest airports in the world.  In the first eight months of this year, there were more that 58,395 aircraft traffic operations from the base.

The number of takeoffs and landing vary from day to day, but have reached as many as 2,289.

24 Teams Join Base Hoop Play

TAN SON NHUT --- The fall 1967 basketball season is underway here.  Two leagues of 12 teams each have been formed.
During the week, four games are played a night at the covered court near the Airmen's Open Mess.

Fierce competition has already broken out in the American league with both the 377th Security Police and the 377th Supply squads tied for first with 3-0 records.  Tied for second are the 6470th RTS and the 505th TCMS teams with 2-0 standings.
Holding down first in the National League is the 619th TCS team with a 2-0 record.

League competition will continue until the first week of January when a tournament will be held.

Standings were as follows:

- American League  -

TEAM                    WON     LOST
377 Security Police     3             0
377 Supply                 3             0
6470 RTS                   2             0
505 TCMS                 2             0
69 Signal                     2             1
6250 Support              1             1
377 BCES                  1             2
377 CSG                    1             2
79th Ordnance Det      1             2
377 Trans.                  1             2
460 AEMS                 0             3
1876 Comm                0             3

- National League  -

TEAM                    WON     LOST
Det 1, 45th TRS         1             1
19 ACS                      1             0
6994 Sec Sq               1             0
600 Photo                   1             0
360 TEWS                 0             2
3rd Field Hosp            1             1
619 TCS                     2             0
Det 1508, Postal          0             2
Davis Station                0             1
7th AF DIT                  1             0
Det one, 460th TRW    0             2
616 MASS                  0             1

Tan Son Nhut Offers Variety
In Intramural Sports Program

TAN SON NHUT --- "What's your pleasure"  Like basketball, swimming, softball, tennis, volleyball, handball, squash, football, track or archery?"  The athletic department here offers base personnel all of the equipment necessary to participate.  Our office is here to serve you," commented SSgt Jim Bagley, noncommissioned officer in charge of intrabural sports.

The sergeant continued, "SSgt. Perry Cobb, NCOIC of the Athletic Department and I are interested in making sure that all new personnel here know about our program.  It is wide and diversified.

"There are two softball fields on base, on of which is used for football in season.  Also, there are two basketball courts.  The main court, located near the Airman's Open Mess, is covered and equipped with lights.  There is anothr court in the 800 billeting area.  At the paresent time, there are no lights on that facility but a system will soon be in operation.  That court is excellent for pick-up games and practice."

Sergeant Bagley went on, "Adjacent to the covered court, there are two handball courts and a squash court.  These courts are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but reservations for these facilities are needed between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.

"There are three tennis courts, One, located on the main street near the base exchange, is equipped with lights.

"We have an archery club here also," the sergeant continued.  "At the present time," he said, there are five instructors.  Personnel desiring to join the club and learn about this sport are encouraged to give us a call.  Equipment is available for check-out.  Before a man uses the range for the first time however, he must be briefed by one of our instructors on sasfety rules.  The archery range is located behind the tennis courts in the 800 billeting area.

"We will be starting intramural slow-pitch softball in December.  A fast-pitch league will begin in April.  Flag football starts the middle of August.  Basketball is offered in intramural league play twiice a year.  Track and field events will be coming up in February."

Instruction, Practice
Airmen End Water Safety Course

TAN SON NHUT --- Six Tan Son Nhut men recently completed both phases of a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor's course conducted here.

Each phase of the course lasted 17 hours for a total of 34 hours of instruction and practice.  The group began the study Oct. 2 and completed all the requirements Oct. 13.

The first half the class was instructed by Bill Goodson, noncommissioned officer in charge of Tan Son Nhut's pool.  The second phase was led by Don Morrell, Red Cross water safety and first aid director for Southeast Asia.

Armour Brown, Leonard Bynum, Bruce Lilly, Robert Condit, Bill Kendal, and Bill Goodson all finished the course and have sewn the water safety instructor insignia on their swim suits.

Also available at the Tan Son Nhut swimming pool is a swim and stay fit 50-mile program.  Two Tan Son Nhut personnel have completed the 50 miles - Leonard Bynum and Bruce Lilly.

Other swimming classes are held at the pool.  Airmen interested in swimming classes or water sports may gain more information by visiting the Tan Son Nhut swimming pool

19th ACS Finishes
123K Phase In

TAN SON NHUT --- The 19th Air Commando Squadron at Tan Son Nhut AB is the first unit in Vietnam to become fully equipped with the new jet powered C-123K Provider airlift transports.

The C-123Ks are modified versions of the "B" model which have been in use by 315th Air Commando Wing units since early in the Vietnam War.  Changes to the C-123 include the installation of two J-85 jet engines adjacent to the two standard piston engines, new wheels with a modulated antiskid brake system, and a new stall warning system.

Vietnam based crews fly the C-123B aircraft to Clark AB, Republic of the Philippines, and other aircrews take the planes on the final leg of the trip to the United States where modifications are being done.

Each of the 315th ACW's other three squadrons will be equipped with the modified troop and cargo aircraft by the end of the year.  More C-123Ks are already strung out at various intervals, enroute from the States.

Other air commando squadrons to receive C-123Ks are the 309th, 310th and the 311th, all based at Phan Rang AB.  The 12th ACS at Bien Hoa, which is part of the 315th Wing, flies the C-123B.

Headquartered at Phan Rang and commanded by Col. Bill M. Richardson, 46, of Russellville, Ky., the 315th ACW directs all C-123 operations in the Republic of Vietnam.

The new aircraft features increased safety during all phases of combat operations.  The C-123Ks added jet engines provide greater thrust for takeoffs, especially with maximum loads, at small forward area airstrips.  The faster rate of climb also enables the aircraft to quickly move out of range of enemy ground fire.

The C-123K requires less runway and carries more that 9,000 pounds more payload that the "B" model.

The first of the new planes made its debut in Vietnam April 26.  A 19th ACS aircrew flew the initial C-123K combat mission 13 days later, after aircrews had received to 3-hour orientations flights and ground school classes.

Headed by Lt. Col. Edwin A. Seitz, 45, of Alexandria, Va., the 19th ACS is unique among Vietnam airlift units.  It is the only unit of its type that Royal Thai Air Force members servie with.  A 27-man group from Thailand, called the Victory II Squadron, works side by side with 19th aircrews.