Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month

1 Graphic courtesy of:

Timothy Lee
HQ, 7th Air Force, Clerk for 7th AF Intelligence
April 1969 - April 1970
Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Saigon, Vietnam

A photograph of myself in Vietnam.
2 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

Some down time in Vietnam.
3 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

One of the intersections in Saigon.
4 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

Some off-duty time at the Saigon Zoo.
5 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

The Vietnamese church in the Vietnamese area.
6 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

My friend Sgt Romero.
7 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

Christmas season in Vietnam.
8 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

7th Air Force Headquarters.
9 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

US Army heliport.
10 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

US Army heliport entrance.
11 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

One of our bunkers that we built.
12 Graphic courtesy of: Timothy Lee

The Playboy Club near the main gate area.
13 Graphic courtesy of: Chattanooga Choo Choo

On March 15, we will be 90 days away from the TSNA Reunion from Jun 13 - 16, 2013 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Have you made your reservations?

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