Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month

Graphic courtesy of:

Charles Penley
377th Security Police Squadron
Sentry Dog Section
Oct 1967 - July 1969


The Tan Son Nhut Association wants to take this time on November 11, 2016 and appreciate all those veterans who have served our nation.

TSNA Thanksgiving
Graphic courtesy of:

Scott Jones
Life Member

The Tan Son Nhut Association wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Eat a lot of good food, and be safe out there.

Graphic courtesy of:

Gary Redlinski
US Army Mortuary
Graves Registration
ID Specialist
May 1968 - July 1970


Tan Son Nhut Association Reunion, September 22 - 25, 2016.

This is a portion of the TSNA Bench Dedication at Huntsville, Alabama.

Graphic courtesy of:

Gary Redlinski
US Army Mortuary
Graves Registration
ID Specialist
May 1968 - July 1970


Tan Son Nhut Association Reunion, September 22 - 25, 2016.

This is a portion of the TSNA Bench Dedication at Huntsville, Alabama.

Graphic courtesy of:

Gary Redlinski
US Army Mortuary
Graves Registration
ID Specialist
May 1968 - July 1970


Tan Son Nhut Association Reunion, September 22 - 25, 2016.

This is a portion of the TSNA Bench Dedication at Huntsville, Alabama.

Graphic courtesy of:

Gary Redlinski
US Army Mortuary
Graves Registration
ID Specialist
May 1968 - July 1970


Tan Son Nhut Association Reunion, September 22 - 25, 2016.

This is a portion of the TSNA Bench Dedication at Huntsville, Alabama.

Graphic courtesy of:

Gary Redlinski
US Army Mortuary
Graves Registration
ID Specialist
May 1968 - July 1970


Tan Son Nhut Association Reunion, September 22 - 25, 2016.

These people are just some of the TSNA Members, in the hospitality room.

They enjoy sitting together and talking about all kinds of topics.

Smith Award
Graphic courtesy of:

Daniel Schmittzehe


(Left) Edwin "Jack" Smith, 377th Security Policeman, receives the "Mike Daoust Award" at the recent Vietnam Security Police Association, Reunion 2016, Tampa, Florida.

Graphic courtesy of:

David Koopman
460th Field Maintenance Squadron
September 1967 - September 1968


November 1968, Thanksgiving Day Menu.

Koopman PSP
Graphic courtesy of:

David Koopman


PSP consisted of steel strips with punched holes in it.

These holes were in rows, and a formation of U-shaped channels between the holes.

Hooks were formed along one long edge and slots along the other long edge so that adjacent mats could be connected.

The short edges were cut straight with no holes or hooks.

To achieve lengthwise interlocking, the mats were laid in a staggered pattern.

Tan Son Nhut Association Web Page.   © 1997 - 2016 All rights reserved.