Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month
TSNA Patch

1 Graphic courtesy of:  Unknown photographer from the 600th Photographic Squadron

Tan Son Nhut Chaplain Receives Airman's Medal.  Saigon

Air Force Colonel Farley E. Peebles (left), Tan Son Nhut Air Base Commander, congratulates Chaplain (Captain) Farrel H. Smith, 28, La Miranda, California, after presenting him the Airman's Medal.

Chaplain Smith was cited for heroism when he rescued an airman from the base chapel which was burning after being hit with an enemy rocket.
2 Graphic courtesy of:

Augustine R. Letto
Base Operations
January 1966 - December 1966

C-123B, tail number 56-4382, written off as a total loss after the attack of 13 Apr 1966.

There were 246 rockets and mortars that hit Tan Son Nhut within a 13 minute time frame.

Six U. S. Military men were killed.
3 Graphic courtesy of:  Augustine R. Letto

Airman Pugh, operating the flight plan dispatch terminals. Wish I had gotten his first name.
4 Graphic courtesy of:  Augustine R. Letto

Base operations dispatch counter, where transient pilots filed their flight plans.  To my regret, I failed to record the names of many of the airmen in my photos.

It would be great if there were a way for people who see themselves in the photos to now identify themselves.
5 Graphic courtesy of:  Augustine R. Letto

Poster created to increase awareness of terrorist devices.
6 Graphic courtesy of:

Gary Redlinski
Army Mortuary, Graves Registration ID Specialist
U. S. Army
May 1968 - July 1970

7 Graphic courtesy of an unknown donor

8 Graphic courtesy of:  Tan Son Nhut Association

The Tan Son Nhut Association Plaque, given to Adrian Cronauer, for being our guest speaker, at the St Louis, Missouri Reunion.

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