Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month

Yearbook Sample
Graphic courtesy of:

Eugene R. Geionety
518th AG PSC
Camp McDermott, Nha Trang
US Army, 1972 - 1973

I was sent to RVN from Travis AFB on Dec 2, 1972 and was assigned to the 518th AG PSC at Camp McDermott, Nha Trang RVN.

My job was in S-4 section under SP6 Larry Watwood, duty assignment was the arms room.

Additional duty included liaison to (Provisional) engineers detachment (ARVN).

Last duty assignment was the closing down of our section of the base and turning the inventory over to the ARVN's.

Was part of the last 17 thousand military troops to be pulled out of Vietnam.

ETS 14 Feb. 1973.

As I stated previously, people in the states thought that hostilities ended the moment all combat troops pulled out of Vietnam.

The news article shows that people still were being casualties, throughout the conflict.

I remember the so-called count down on AFVN radio, after the truce was signed, to see who was going to be the last official casualty of the conflict.

I remember the signing date because we were under black out conditions.

The artillery batteries never were quiet for long.

The ARVN and VC/NVA were fighting for territorial control.

The truce would allow the VC and NVA to keep possessions or bases of operation within the South, which would finally lead to total control of Vietnam.
Graphic courtesy of:  Eugene R. Geionety
Graphic courtesy of:

Donald Reiter
377th Finance Office
June 1966  - June 1967

Graphic courtesy of:

Gerald (Gerry) E. Johnson
377th CAM Trans. Maint.
August 1971 - August 1972

Follow Me dog “Bubbles” was in Stars & Stripes, don’t know the date.
Graphic courtesy of:  

Gerald (Gerry) E. Johnson

Follow Me trucks.  All had V8 engines - speed limit 15 mph.

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