Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month

TSNA Patch

tsn1 Photo's courtesy of John Burke.

I'm the grinning "Mortar Marshal" in this photograph.  My apologies, I can't identify my barracks buddy under the beret.  Too many years have passed.

But, I do remember that this picture was taken atop our bunker between the barracks in the TSN 1200 area.
tsn2 This is your future TSNA cartoonist (left) clowning for the camera with Sgt. Dave Mills in the 1200 barracks area.

Back in 1967 we were both a tad "Dinky-dau" (crazy) ... as for me, I'm told that I haven't changed much in that respect over the years.  Look close and you'll see the damage that Dave and I did to each other with marker pens in a friendly "knife fight."

From Dave's smug expression, it's clear that he figures he was the victor ... and he was.
tsn3 Dining Hall #4, in the 1200 area.  I can still hear the rattle of trays and plates being stacked after running through the "clipper" by the Vietnamese cleanup help.

I can also remember meals far better than I would have dreamed of chowing down on in Vietnam, and how great those little cups of ice cream were on a miserable hot day at Tan Son Nhut.

Treats like that in the heat and humidity of Vietnam were indeed special.  Note the absence of protective blast walls in this 1967 photo.
tsn4 Drainage ditch fishing across the street to the east of Dining Hall #4 was a common sight.  Wherever there was water, there was almost sure to be a Vietnamese boy trying his luck with a pole and hook ... and curious guys like us wondering if he was catching anything big enough to fillet?

No matter ... be it a drainage ditch in Vietnam or a creek back in Oklahoma, there's an optimistic fisherman inside of nearly every boy.
tsn5 Who could forget the TSN movie theater?

Note the trickle and puddle of condensation water from the "air conditioning" added to this building.  Even if you weren't particularly interested in the movie, it was a great place to relax and enjoy being cool for a change.

Note the narrow escape door and ladder for the projectionist.
tsn6 View looking south toward the 1200 area (please pardon the foreground focus), this is a typical scene of the hustle and bustle of Tan Son Nhut at shift change.

A left turn at the intersection ahead led to the main gate and Saigon.

A right turn took you to the Airmen's club, just around the corner.

South bound at this intersection at the end of a workday, I usually opted to pivot smartly and column right!.

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