Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month
TSNA Patch

460th TRW Patch Daniel Schmittzehe submitted the 460th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing Patch from the 1968 era.

On April 20, 2003 it sold for
$ 355.00.

That just goes to show you that some of your bring back from Vietnam can be worth some money.
12th Tactical Recon Patch Daniel Schmittzehe submitted the 12th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing Patch from the 1968 era.

On April 26, 2003 it sold for $204.50.
Girl on bicycle Tan Son Nhut Association member, John Burke, sent us these five photographs.

For security reasons in the sixties, I never saw a civilian allowed anywhere near our aircraft or helicopters on a stateside base.

Imagine my security conscious suprise the first time I caught a scene like this at Tan Son Nhut ... the busiest wartime base and VC/NVA target in the world in 1967!
RVN Soldier Mail from home was the number one treat for all of us.

Until I captured this scene at TSN, it had never crossed my mind that countless thousands of South Vietnamese soldiers, airmen and sailors were also serving their country away from their families and friends.

I sincerely hope that this one is with his family and friends today.
Paratroopers I expect that nearly all of us that served at TSN recall the ARVN jump school.

The day that I captured this scene, I was wishing that the barbed wire hadn't been between us to spoil the foreground.

But, perhaps the security wire added just the touch of war reality that these smiles needed for contrast.
Vietnamese women Another hot day at TSN, looking south at the 1200 barracka ares.

Note the clothing that these two Vietnamese women are wearing.  The one on the left was probably a very well paid supervisor.

Western dress, western hairstyles of the day, a wristwatch and a small purse ...this was a rare scene and contrast to capture of Vietnamese women at TSN in 1967.
Washday Laundry day TSN style ... with barracks maids, barrels and sticks.

Note the absence of protective sandbag walls around the buildings at this time in 1967.

Not long after I captured this scene in the 1200 barracks area, I spent a week filling sandbags to build those walls and our bunker ... and like many of you did, I got loads of OJT on how to ignore the pain of sandbag blistered palms and fingers!

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