Tan Son Nhut Association Photo of the Month

Photo 1
Photo courtesty of Jonathan Hock; Message from Jonathan:

Hi, I found your website and was interested to see the old pictures and details of Tan Son Nhut! I am currently based in Vietnam and frequently layover in Saigon. The hotel my airline uses is roughly on the site of buildings 113 (marked with a red circle on the map) the officers quarters and faces north. I took some pictures of the place now, a lot of the old buildings are still there and have repurposed. I have attached some shots of buildings 104-109 and another of the old engine shop that is only visible from airside

Photo 2
Photo courtesty of Jonathan Hock

Photo 3
Photo courtesty of Jonathan Hock

Photo 4
Photo courtesty of Jonathan Hock

Photo 5
Photo courtesty of Jonathan Hock

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